Carpocalypse Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy - Carpocalypse

Carpocalypse use AdMob for the use of ads.
AdMob is a mobile advertising subsidiary of Google and the service collects some data from their users. Admob serve ads and that uses the devices advertising id to serve personalized ads based on the users interests (which includes collecting and analyzing user data).
IP addressCollects device's IP address, which may be used to estimate the general location of a device.
User product interactionsCollects user product interactions and interaction information, including app launch, taps, and video views.
Diagnostic informationCollects information related to the performance of your app and the SDK, including crash logs, app launch time, hang rate, and energy usage.
Device and Account identifiersCollects Android advertising (ad) IDapp set ID, and, if applicable, other identifiers related to signed-in accounts on the device.

Android ad ID collection is optional. The ad ID can be reset or deleted by users using ad ID controls in the Android settings menu.

To reset or delete ad ID: